
CLAPSep: Leveraging Contrastive Pre-trained Model for Multi-Modal Query-Conditioned Target Sound Extraction

This is the demonstration page of the paper “CLAPSep: Leveraging Contrastive Pre-trained Model for Multi-Modal Query-Conditioned Target Sound Extraction” with samples generated with the proposed method and some other baseline methods.

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Universal sound separation (USS) aims to extract arbitrary types of sounds from real-world recordings. This can be achieved by language-queried target sound extraction (TSE), which typically consists of two components: a query network that converts user queries into conditional embeddings, and a separation network that extracts the target sound accordingly. Existing methods commonly train models from scratch. As a consequence, substantial data and computational resources are required to make the randomly initialized model comprehend sound events and perform separation accordingly. In this paper, we propose to integrate pre-trained models into TSE models to address the above issue. To be specific, we tailor and adapt the powerful contrastive language-audio pre-trained model (CLAP) for USS, denoted as CLAPSep. CLAPSep also accepts flexible user inputs, taking both positive and negative user prompts of uni- and/or multi-modalities for target sound extraction. These key features of CLAPSep can not only enhance the extraction performance but also improve the versatility of its application. We provide extensive experiments on 5 diverse datasets to demonstrate the superior performance and zero- and few-shot generalizability of our proposed CLAPSep with fast training convergence, surpassing previous methods by a significant margin.


We provide a comprehensive demonstration of our proposed method across various scenarios: 1) Language-queried target sound extraction for synthetic mixtures on AudioCaps, comparing against the strong baseline model, AudioSep; 2) Audio-queried target sound extraction for synthetic mixtures on ESC50, where we benchmark our method against the audio-queried baseline model, USS; and 3) Language-queried TSE for real-world recordings from Freesound (DCASE 2024 Task 9, evaluation set), where we compare our model with AudioSep to showcase its effectiveness in handling real-world data.

Note that the mentioned negative queries are provided only to CLAPSep, as neither AudioSep nor USS support negative queries.

Language-queried TSE for synthetic mixtures on AudioCaps

Unprocessed Target Ours AudioSep
Positive: A woman singing then choking followed by birds chirping
Negative: Music is playing as a person whistles
Positive: A rooster clucking followed by a dog whimpering then a man talking and a dog barking
Negative: A loud thunder cracking
Positive: An engine booms and hums with constant rattling
Negative: Food sizzling while cooking
Positive: A woman speaks quietly, and man answers much louder, then she speaks again
Negative: A child yelling as a young boy talks during several slaps on a hard surface
Positive: Water is running, gurgling and splashing, and a quiet thump occurs
Negative: A dog barking and growling while plastic rattles and clanks against a hard surface
Positive: A loud burping followed by a laughing from young girls
Negative: A man speaking as a vehicle horn honks in the background and another man talks in the distance
Positive: A sewing machine operating during several metal clacks
Negative: A telephone ringing
Positive: A woman speaks followed by groaning and grunting
Negative: A herd of sheep baaing
Positive: A man speaks followed by a toilet flush
Negative: A person whistling
Positive: A man talking followed by wood sawing then paper shuffling
Negative: Several birds chirp with some hissing

Audio-queried TSE for synthetic mixtures on ESC50

Unprocessed Target Ours USS

Language-queried TSE for real-world recordings from Freesound (DCASE 2024 Task 9 evaluation set (real))

Unprocessed Ours AudioSep
Positive: the wind chimes are making a crisp and sweet sound.
Positive: the siren is alarming continuously.
Positive: in the forest, the birds are chirping incessantly.
Negative: a car is passing by a noisy road.
Positive: a car is passing by a noisy road.
Negative: in the forest, the birds are chirping incessantly.
Positive: thunder is raging and rumbling from afar.
Negative: the rain is falling to the surface.
Positive: the rain is falling to the surface.
Negative: thunder is raging and rumbling from afar.
Positive: a dog is barking in the distance.
Negative: the waves are beating against the shore.
Positive: the waves are beating against the shore.
Negative: a dog is barking in the distance.
Positive: a truck is driving down the road, making noise.
Negative: an alarm is ringing constantly.
Positive: an alarm is ringing constantly.
Negative: a truck is driving down the road, making noise.


  title={CLAPSep: Leveraging Contrastive Pre-trained Models for Multi-Modal Query-Conditioned Target Sound Extraction},
  author={Ma, Hao and Peng, Zhiyuan and Li, Xu and Shao, Mingjie and Wu, Xixin and Liu, Ju},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2402.17455},